Sabtu, 30 Juli 2016 app find game go pokemon them types where Where to find all Pokemon types There are different generations of Pokemon but only the first generation of Pokemon are actually in Pokemon Go. This post will be an overvie...
Juli 30, 2016 pokemon pokemon go Pokemon Team Which Pokemon Go Team Should You Join? There are three teams in Pokemon Go in which you can join and compete against the other two teams for Pokemon Go gyms. Each team has its own...
Juli 30, 2016 pokemon go pokestops Pokemon Go: What Are Pokestops? Pokestops are little icons you can find around everywhere you go. You can tell you found a Pokestop when you see a light blue ring with a bl...
Juli 30, 2016 best go pokemon The Best Pokemon on Pokemon Go Hacks (July 2016) In this post I'll be sharing which Pokemon I consider to be the best. So far we only have generation one Pokemon but there are still a f...
Juli 30, 2016 bug go pokemon Tracking Bug in Pokemon Go Found Pokemon Go players open up a list of Pokemon and depending on how many footprints are below the Pokemon you want, that would determine how f...
Juli 30, 2016 go pokemon stardust How to Collect Stardust / Pokemon Go Tips for Collecting Stardust What is Stardust? Stardust is received whenever you catch a new Pokemon. You get 100 stardust whenever you catch a Pokemon. You can use Star...
Juli 30, 2016 candies go pokemon tips tricks How to Collect Candy / Pokemon Go Tips for Collecting Candies What are Pokemon Go candies? Pokemon Go candies are candies that you collect whenever you obtain a new Pokemon. You can repeatedly catch the...
Juli 30, 2016 coins free go pokecoins pokemon How to Get FREE Pokecoins Its Works! In this post I am going to show you how exactly to get free Pokecoins! You don't need to spend money for Pokecoins. Step 1. Go around an...
Juli 30, 2016 go list pokemon tier Pokemon Go Tier List All of the Pokemon in Pokemon Go have their own weaknesses and strengths. Some Pokemon have great attack speed and others have great defense...
Juli 30, 2016 go news pokemon News for Pokemon Go / Trading System, Legendary Pokemon and Gen 2 Release Date Before I start with any of the news, I'd like to point out that all of the information I'm about to give is based off of speculation...
Juli 30, 2016 chart egg go guide pokemon Pokemon Go Egg Chart and Guide The excitement of hatching a rare Pokemon out of a Pokemon Go egg is probably one of the best things about the Pokemon Go app. In the pictur...
Juli 30, 2016 go pokemon power up Pokemon Go: Should You Power Up a Pokemon Before Evolving It? Many of you may be wondering the question, "Should I power up my pokemon before evolving it? Does it make a difference? Should I wait? ...